Chemical Gel Group



  • It enhances the yield of other plant nutrition products when used together. It promotes root development and accelerates photosynthesis. Indirectly, it positively influences fruit set and fruit development. Enriches soil microfauna. Improves soil permeability, loosens the soil, and aids in aeration. Reduces the pH in soils with high pH levels. Increases the uptake of macro and micro nutrients bound in the soil. Boosts organic matter content in the soil.

Guarenteed Content By Mass (W/W)%
pH (25 °C) % 5,4
Organic Matter % 12,72
Total Nitrogen N % 6,61
Nitrate Nitrogen NO3-N % 5,19
Ammonium Nitrogen NH4-N % 1,42
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) % 20,13
Water Soluble Calcium Oxide (CaO) % 4,15
Water Soluble Iron (Fe) % 0,25
Water Soluble Manganese (Mn) % 0,23
Water Soluble Zinc (Zn) % 0,26
Water Soluble Copper (Cu) % 0,03
Water Soluble Boron (B) % 0,03
Chlorine (Cl) % 1,0
Cadmium 0,18 mg / kg
Nickel 2,67 mg / kg
Lead 4,02 mg / kg
Mercury 0,09 mg / kg
Chrome 3,74 mg / kg


Tomato, Pepper, Eggplant, Cucumber, Watermelon, Melon, Zucchini From transplanting seedlings onward. 200 - 250 2
Strawberry, Banana, Citrus, Cherry, Plum, Peach, Apricot, Apple, Pear, Quince, Olive Throughout the development period. 200 - 250 2
Vine, Kiwi From the beginning of shoot development. 200 - 250 3
Corn, Sunflower, Sugar Beet, Potato, Carrot, Beans, Chickpea, Lentil Once the plants reach a leaf size that allows fertilizer uptake during the development period. 200 - 250 3
Wheat, Barley, Rice  From the tillering period. 200 - 250  -
Cotton After thinning process. 200 - 250 3
Hazelnut, Walnut, Pistachio Throughout the development period. 200 - 250 3
Leafy Vegetables (Lettuce, Endive, Cabbage, etc.) Throughout the development period. 200 - 250 3
Onion, Garlic Throughout the development period. 200 - 250 3
Green Areas - Ornamental Plants Throughout the development period. 200 - 250 3


Package Type Pieces İn Box Pallet Qty 20’ Container Capacity 40’ Container Capacity Truck Pallet Capacity
5 Kg Bucket  - 90 Package 10 Pallet 22 Pallet 24 Pallet
15 Kg Bucket  - 45 Package 10 Pallet 22 Pallet 24 Pallet