Chemical Powder Fertilizers (Micro Elements)

MES W 20-20-20 TE

MES W 20-20-20 TE

  • It is a mixture of nutrient elements rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, with trace elements. Strengthens the root system, enhances the development of branches, leaves, and shoots, and prevents stunted plant growth. The trace elements present in its composition (zinc, iron, copper, manganese, boron) support growth and development. It produces strong and healthy green structures, promoting simultaneous and robust flowering for increased yield. In vegetables and fruit trees, it enhances bud and flower formation, fruit setting, and improves fruit quality (sugars, proteins, vitamins, organic acids, flavor compounds, etc.)

Package Type Pieces İn Box Pallet Qty 20’ Container Capacity 40’ Container Capacity Truck Pallet Capacity
1 L 20 Piece 40 Package 10 Pallet 22 Pallet 24 Pallet
5 L 4 Piece 35 Package 10 Pallet 22 Pallet 24 Pallet
CITRUS Plant development period 3 applications at 15-day intervals 150-200 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
APPLE, PEAR ETC. Plant development period 3 applications at 15-day intervals 150-200 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
PEACH, APRICOT, CHERRY, SOUR CHERRY, PLUM and POMEGRANATE Plant development period 3 applications at 15-day intervals 150-200 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
VINEYARD Plant development period 3 applications at 15-day intervals 150-200 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
PISTACHIOS, HAZELNUT Plant development period 3 applications at 15-day intervals 100-150 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
OLIVE Plant development period 3 applications at 15-day intervals 100-150 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
BANANA After Birth 5 applications at 15-day intervals 100-150 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
KIWI, FIG Fruit Growth Period 3 applications at 15-day intervals 100-150 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
TOMATO, PEPPER 5 applications during plant development period 50-100 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
CUCUMBER, AUBERGINE 5 applications during plant development period 50-100 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
MELON, WATERMELON 5 applications during plant development period 50-100 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
CUT FLOWER 5 applications during plant development period 50-100 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
LENTIL 1 application after flowering 70-100 g/100 L water -
PEANUT After tuber formation 100-150 g/100 L water -
COTTON, SUNFLOWER, CORN, CANOLA etc. When plants reach 30-40 cm height 2 applications at 15-day intervals 100-150 g/100 L water -
PADDED RICE Stalling period  100-150 g/100 L water -
TEA After Mowing 100-150 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
SUGAR BEET Tuber formation Period 2 applications 100-150 g/100 L water -
FRUIT SEEDLINGS 4 applications during development period at 10-day intervals Application 150-200 g/100 L water 0.5 -1 Kg/1000 M²
CERALS (Wheat, Barley, Rye, Oats etc.) Standing Period 200-250 g/100 L water -
GREEN FIELD CROPS After Formation  200-300 g/100 L water -
Guarenteed Content By Mas(W/W)%
Total Nitrogen (N) % 20
Ammonium Nitrogen (N) % 8
Urean Nitrogen (N) % 4,5
Neutral Ammonium Citrate and Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O2) % 20
Water Soluble Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O2) % 20
Water Soluble Potassium Oxide (K2O) % 20
Water Soluble Boron % 0,02
Water Soluble Copper % 0,02
Water Soluble Iron % 0,03
Water Soluble Manganese % 0,04
Water Soluble Zinc % 0,04