MES AMINO is an organic product with a high content of amino acids supported by organic matter, organic carbon, organic nitrogen and potassium. Although amino acids, which are the building blocks of the cell, are synthesized by plants in their own bodies, they cannot synthesize some amino acids. In addition, plants spend a significant amount of energy and time while synthesizing their own amino acids. MES AMINO provides high benefits in growth and development by minimizing the time and energy that the plant will spend for amino acid production. MES AMINO is used as a direct energy source.
- Accelerates protein formation.
- Increases the plant's resistance to biotic-abiotic stress conditions.
- Increases the plant's flower quality when used before the flowering period.
- Provides support in adverse conditions that prevent the plant's root development and vegetative growth.
- Plays a serious role in increasing the number and quality of fruits.
- Encourages the vitality and increase of soil microorganisms.
- Can be applied both from the leaves and from the soil.