Органические жидкие удобрения



  • МЭС ГБ обеспечивает большее завязывание плодов, качественную и обильную продукцию, более длительное пребывание плодов на дереве, устранение дефектов качества плодов, скороспелость и повышение урожайности.

Package Type Pieces İn Box Pallet Qty 20’ Container Capacity 40’ Container Capacity Truck Pallet Capacity
1 L - - 10 Pallet 22 Pallet 24 Pallet
5 L - - 10 Pallet 22 Pallet 24 Pallet
10 L - - 10 Pallet 22 Pallet 24 Pallet
20 L - - 10 Pallet 22 Pallet 24 Pallet
Plant Purpouse and period of use Usage Dose
Wheat It is applied during wheat budding period to increase yield. 4  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Pistachios It is applied to increase efficiency from the beginning of internal filling. 2  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Cotton It is applied to increase efficiency from the beginning of internal filling 2-4  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Sweetcorn It is applied at the 7-8 leaf stage or 2 weeks after ear fertilization to increase yield. 2-4  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Lentil It is applied to increase yield before flowering. 2-3  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Chickpeas It is applied to increase yield before flowering. 2-3  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Grape It is applied 4-5 days after the flower capsules fall to increase yield. 3-4  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Tomatoes To increase efficiency; The first application should be made when 50% of the flowers have set fruit, the second application should be made 20 days after the first application 4  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Pepper To increase yield, it is applied when half of the flowers bear fruit and 2-3 weeks later. 4-5  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Aubergine To increase yield, it is applied when half of the flowers set fruit. 4  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Potatoes To increase yield, it is applied when half of the flowers set fruit. 4  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Citrus It is applied when 75-80% of the flowers are opened in order to increase fruit set and increase productivity. 2-3  Piece / Piece (7ml)
Ornamental Plants In cut flowers, it is used on chrysanthemums, roses, cyclamens and carnations to obtain long stems and large flowers. 3-7  Piece / Piece (7ml)